Volunteers contribute significantly to the impact that OLLI@UGA has on the member
experience and on the community at large. Scroll down to see why members lend their
time and talents and what you gain from being part of OLLI@UGA.
Short- and long-term opportunities include being a class host, serving on or leading a committee, collating materials, teaching a class, community service, and more. (Volunteering is exclusive for members, with the exception of UGA Silver Dawgs and Teach for OLLI, which are open to the public.)
"It has been a real pleasure to make new friends and contribute to OLLI through being a volunteer on a committee." – Carol Coman, past Finance Chair
"Serving on an OLLI committee is fun and satisfying work. It’s also a perfect way to expand and deepen friendships." – Penny Oldfather, OLLI member
Our committees provide ample opportunity for engagement, offering one-time and ongoing
assignments to committee participants. OLLI committees are always open to interested OLLI members. For information on Ad Hoc
committees, email olli@uga.edu.
Please select "Position Descriptions" to learn more about opportunities for each committee.
Chair |
Curriculum |
Lisa Myers / Elizabeth Kraft
Angela Greene |
Travel Study
Susan Carley
Interested in knowing what it takes to be a committee chair? Here's a general description (PDF).
• Game day ambassador program in collaboration with the University of Georgia Athletic
• Assist visitors to Athens on game days by answering questions and giving directions
• Moderate amounts of standing and walking around the stadium in all weather conditions
• All questions should be directed to silverdawgs@sports.uga.edu or (706) 542-9036.
• Participate in UGA research projects
• Conducted by a variety of UGA departments
• Short-term or one time visit
OLLI@UGA welcomes ideas for new courses and programs. Anyone can suggest a class or presenter to the Curriculum Committee. Although many of our instructors are professors, presenters DO NOT need previous teaching experience. An individual with a passion to share a hobby or an art or other interest would make an outstanding OLLI presenter! OLLI faculty and students enjoy studying together without the pressure of exams and grades!
Check out our Teach for OLLI page for more information.